
Ecco le reazioni del web alla sanzione per la Red Bull
La FIA ha reso pubblica la punizione per la Red Bull Racing questo venerdì e non è stata accolta con molto entusiasmo su internet. Alcune reazioni ci dicono che le persone pensano che questo sia il lasciapassare per altre squadre per sfondare il tetto del budget in futuro. La Red Bull non sarebbe stata punita abbastanza duramente con meno tempo in galleria del vento e una multa di sette milioni di dollari.
Ecco cosa pensa il web della punizione per la Red Bull
Peanuts of a penalty to a company the size of Red Bull. Financial incompetence or cheating ? Difficult to see a 3rd alternative. The sooner the FIA actually reviews the rules, makes them unambiguous & defines & enforces consistent penalties the better.
— Alexander Aucken (@2012ARA1) October 28, 2022
I bet redbull are smiling after the slap on the wrist punishment from the FIA
— Danny Stark (@itz_dannie) October 28, 2022
FIA are the worst sporting organisation the world. Red bull will be laughing their arses off. 7 million dollars and some reduced car testing. Wank organisation, wank sport
— Harry ‘Subway’ G (@HGrafton05) October 28, 2022
I am sure that Mercedes and Ferrari are willing to pay the price if they get such punishment. The fia had a chance to be extremely tough to make an example of red bull but chose other wise. This will come back to hunt them in the future for sure. Cheers
— Ramon Brito (@Ramon_Britoo) October 28, 2022
Cheating is a criminal offence. RedBull cheated and got a pass from FIA
— Victor Olomu (@DeoJ2010) October 28, 2022
Congratulations @fia, this verdict will lead red bull, ferrari, mercedes, and potentially mclaren & alpine to exceed next year's cost cap, if they're not suddenly increasing this year's budget over the cap
— average edgerunner enjoyer (@thepincang) October 28, 2022
Wish the FIA just removed 10 points from the team and drivers but I'm not surprised since redbull got to negotiate their punishment
— Samkelo (@Samkelo2772) October 28, 2022
It’s really FIA REDBULL , wow just ridiculous
— Danny Stark (@itz_dannie) October 28, 2022
Even a team like Aston Martin can pay a 7 million dollar fine without nothing happening to the team, so the penalty given to Red Bull is equivalent to no penalty. This further raises doubts about FIA's sporting integrity.
— Nazirr (@abunoura) October 28, 2022
So Red Bull escape without any severe punishment, despite basically cheating their way to 3 titles...
— Josh (@JM2299_) October 28, 2022
The FIA is a corrupt organisation, and this just proves it. #F1 is now a laughing stock
So it’s taken the FIA all those weeks to come up with that “penalty”. Maybe they had to ask Redbull if it was acceptable ♂️
— justmark (@justmar03519694) October 28, 2022
The FIA when Red Bull cheat vs when Lewis Hamilton won’t remove his nose-ring.
— Justin Vorster (@JustVorster) October 28, 2022
FIA you again have demonstrated you don’t follow your own rules and a common denominator is Red Bull. Ross Braun has been made a laughing stock after his statement when the cost cap was introduced. I urge all teams to ignore the cost.
— kev1223334444 (@kev12233344441) October 28, 2022
@MBrundleF1 absolute cop out by the FIA with Redbull penalty for the overspend ! Everyone will do the same now for next years cars and take the hit
— Mark Henderson (@markhenderson_) October 28, 2022
RedBull Racing are cheats and Verstappen is a fake champion. The FiA is a joke.
— Rob Baillie (@eAyeAddio) October 28, 2022