F1 News

Why did Zhou become a racing driver? Because he liked cartoons!

4 January 2022 at 19:26
Last update 4 January 2022 at 21:43
  • GPblog.com

Guanyu Zhou is the only rookie in the Formula 1 field next season. Undoubtedly he will be under a lot of pressure as a driver for Alfa Romeo. Not only because people want to see if he deserves a seat in Formula 1, but especially because he will be the first driver from China ever at the start of a Grand Prix.

Special way

Zhou is living proof that anything is possible, even becoming a Formula 1 driver when you come from a country without a rich motor racing history. That he came in contact with car racing, happened in a special way, he tells Corriere dello Sport. The young Zhou often watched cartoons with cars in it. And he also wanted to drive a car. At the age of seven that was a bit too early, so the alternative was a go-kart. The little Zhou turned out to be a talent.

So at the age of eight, Zhou got his own kart from his parents. He told the Italian newspaper: "I love the sound and the speed you can take in the corners. In addition, it is always exciting, just like basketball. The race is not decided until the very last moment."

Dream come true

Yet it could just have been different with Zhou's career. In his first race, he crashed and his shoulder was open. He had to be treated in hospital. Plenty of people would have given up in that case. Zhou didn't. "My parents asked if I wanted to continue with motorsport. Of course I wanted to continue. I've been dreaming since a young age to get as far as possible in motorsport. That dream is now a reality."