Mercedes updates have effect: 'That was really a step forward'

F1 News

12 May 2022 at 07:27
Last update 12 May 2022 at 10:29

Mercedes is slowly making strides with the W13, but is still far from there. In the F1 Race Debrief of Mercedes, Mike Elliott looks back at the updates and the problems with bouncing in Miami.

Mercedes started the race weekend in Miami well with a strong first and second in free practice. After that, unfortunately, the team fell back again. However, a lot was learned during the weekend. The German team took several updates with them and they could be thoroughly tested.

Updates from Mercedes

''The wings we had with us, they really brought the performance we expected and were a step forward,'' says Mercedes' technical director in the team's video. The team is now diving into the data to get even more performance out of the car, but porpoising also remains an issue. This, according to Elliott, is more about understanding your own car.

''In terms of bouncing, we've collected a lot of data again. Every time we go out we learn more about the car. That's the goal of the game. We have to understand the car faster than our competitors. At the moment we are a bit behind, but a lot of time and attention will go into turning that around again,'' the engineer concludes.