Hamilton unsure: 'I don't know exactly where we stand'

F1 News

29 October 2022 at 09:56
Last update 29 October 2022 at 12:55
  • GPblog.com

Lewis Hamilton has three race weekends left to take a win this season. After the first day in Mexico, the Briton still finds it difficult to assess whether that will happen as early as this weekend, he told Mercedes' press release.

Hamilton could be reasonably satisfied after the first two free practice sessions, but it was difficult to see what the level of Red Bull Racing and Ferrari was. "I don't know yet where exactly we stand compared to other teams, because everyone was running different programmes and I try to mainly focus on my own programme," he stated.

In the second practice session, the drivers were instructed to test the Pirelli tyres for next season. Hamilton is reasonably satisfied with them. "The 2023 tyres seem very similar to the current ones, maybe a little bit more consistent on the long runs and easier to manage in terms of overheating."

Hamilton hopes for good qualifying on Saturday

George Russell picked up the fastest time in the final session, which will give Mercedes hope for the rest of the weekend. However, Hamilton stressed that the team still needs to work hard to get the car ready for qualifying to create a good starting position for in the race.