F1 News

Tickets for Las Vegas GP: These are the horror prices!
- GPblog.com
Red Bull Racing had the scoop on racing through the streets of Las Vegas last Wednesday. It has to be said: it looks fantastic. No doubt the first Grand Prix across the Strip will make a nice picture, although it remains to be seen whether the track layout can make it an exciting race.
The fans who will attend, will hope it is a Grand Prix to remember. After all, they have to pay lots of money to see the race live. The race organiser has announced the ticket prices and they are by no means cheap. For a seat on one of the grandstands, at least $2,000 per person must be paid! Good news: drinks are free though.
Standing places will also be available in Las Vegas. Fans need to pay 'only' $500 per person for these. There too, drinks are included in the price. If you don't want to stand on your feet, but want a bit more luxury? Then the best thing is to opt for a skybox. It will cost you $10,000 per person, but you will have a nice view of start-finish line.
Earlier, hotels around the Strip announced that race packages will be offered (ticket plus hotel room). Hotel rooms would be as much as three times more expensive than normal during the Grand Prix weekend. There are even packages on offer of $100,000 each. Las Vegas, as we know, is quite remote in the desert, so for the F1 fan on a limited budget, there are not many options for a stay a little bit further away.