Brown backs Binotto: 'It seems to me Mattia has done a good job'

F1 News

5 December 2022 at 19:17
Last update 6 December 2022 at 00:19

Zak Brown regrets that Mattia Binotto will no longer be seen as team boss of Ferrari next season. Although the McLaren CEO finds it difficult to form an opinion on his departure, he hinted to that he has great respect for the Italian.

Binotto was under a magnifying glass at Ferrari for months after the team boss failed to manage to fight for the world title until the end of the season. The departure therefore came as no surprise, but from Brown it should not have been.

"I don't know the ins and outs of Ferrari, but it seems to me that Mattia has done a good job," he states. "They have been competitive this year. In my opinion, stability and the ability to make a team work together long-term give the best results."

Brown keeps Seidl at McLaren

Ferrari will have to look for a successor in the coming period, with Andreas Seidl's name having come up several times. The 46-year-old German has been doing an excellent job at McLaren for years and Ferrari's management hopes he is capable of the same at the Italians.

For Brown, however, there is no reason to fear losing Seidl for now. The American stresses that the current team boss is keen to stay at McLaren and that Ferrari would therefore be better off looking for someone else. "I have no idea, but I know he won't," he said.