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Marko disagrees with criticism of methods at Red Bull Racing

Marko: "If you can’t stand pressure, racing is the wrong business for you"

17 December 2022 at 19:10
Last update 17 December 2022 at 20:26

It is a subject that comes up every now and then: Helmut Marko's methods, which some describe as 'cruel'. The Red Bull Racing adviser himself disagrees. He sees it as his job to tell people the truth, however harsh it may be.

At the same time, the 79-year-old Austrian does not lie awake to the references made to him. His methods may be perceived by some as harsh or cruel, but Marko himself believes that nobody benefits from making things look better than they are.

Marko: 'There is always an excuse for not winning'

"In motor racing, there is always an excuse for not winning—the engine, the tyres, the chassis, and so on," Marko said in an interview with Road and Track. "Unfortunately, a lot of drivers are supported by parents who spend a lot of money, sometimes more money than they have, just to fulfill the dreams of raising a son who is a famous race-car driver."

If it simply isn't there, the Red Bull advisor believes there is little point in continuing such an expensive occupation. "It’s my obligation to tell them when they should go in a different direction and stop wasting money," he continued.

That the many young drivers who qualify for the Red Bull Junior Team are under high pressure as a result is just part of the job, according to Marko. "We make championships possible. Of course there is a lot of pressure. But if you can’t stand pressure, racing is the wrong business for you," he concluded.