
After race, piastri prefers to watch Netflix or YouTube

Piastri tells anecdote about Silverstone: 'It wasn't very glamorous'

11 November 2023 at 12:00
Last update 11 November 2023 at 12:25

What do Formula 1 drivers do after they leave the track? After the on-track action and debriefing of a session, there is actually time for the drivers to rest. The team of McLaren gives us a little insight into how Oscar Piastri makes use of this.

You might assume that drivers quickly seek their beds after a race, but nothing could be further from the truth. Oscar Piastri can still sometimes struggle to fall asleep: “It can be hard if it's been a very good day. Equally, if it's been a very bad day, it can be hard for opposite reasons.” He continued: “Saturday night after Silverstone, I actually slept quite well, which was a surprise.”

Switching off

When the drivers finish a session, they go to the media, and then they eat dinner. Then it's time to debrief from the session and talk about set-up and strategy. When that's all over, it's time to go to the hotel. ''You try and switch off, whether that is watching YouTube, Netflix, or spending time with your girlfriend if she's there,'' says the Australian. Lily [his girlfriend] and I have been watching Killing Eve on Netflix.''

Adrenaline rush

“I usually find Sunday night is worse for sleep. You don't usually have anything planned for Monday, and you're still full of adrenaline from the race. So, Sunday night is usually a pretty short night of sleep,'' told Piastri on McLaren's website. There is improvement in the sprint-winner's sleep rhythm, though: ''but on Saturdays, I'm getting better at sleeping through the night.”

Chicken nuggets

"Sunday night after Silverstone, I was with Lily, my girlfriend, and we stopped at the Beckett’s motorway services and had fast food for dinner, as we were knackered by then. It was very glamorous...," laughs the McLaren driver, who can even remember what he ordered: "We had a 10-pack of nuggets, and I think I had a chicken caesar wrap or something like that."