F1 drivers not a fan of big show in Las Vegas: 'Not really fun to do'

F1 News

F1 drivers no fan of big show Las Vegas
16 November 2023 at 06:31

The life of a Formula 1 driver always involves the necessary media obligations, but in Las Vegas, for many drivers it is a bit more than usual. The drivers find that their commitments keep increasing and argue that they could do with less in certain areas.

F1 drivers over media commitments in Las Vegas

Carlos Sainz, who came out on top in The Netflix Cup golf tournament prior to the Las Vegas Grand Prix weekend, thinks F1 could be a bit more selective in choosing media occasions. "There are some things that you are looking forward to doing more than others. It's always the case. I do believe, looking forward and looking into the future, we're going to need to reconsider the way we go racing at the weekends because our schedules are getting busier and busier every year that goes by." says the Ferrari driver.

Sainz explains: "The weekends are almost starting earlier rather than starting later. We are adding races to the calendar, and it's getting to a point where I think sometimes everything feels a bit repetitive and everything feels a bit over-packed. Maybe we’re overdoing it a bit."

His former teammate Lando Norris added: "I think Carlos has said it pretty well. It's definitely more of a show now than what it was a few years ago. To be honest, I just want to come here and drive and come here and race. I've never been the biggest fan of doing these types of things like we did earlier," said the McLaren driver, who also took part in the Netflix golf tournament.

"It's not what I enjoy doing. I know a lot of this stuff is just part of it, and I'm not saying anything against it, but I do this job because I want to come and drive and race cars and things like that, and I don't simply enjoy it. I've never been the biggest fan of doing these types of big events and shows and things like that. But I guess it's part of the job, and it's a business and all those things. That's how it has to run at the end of the day," Norris said.

Fernando Alonso fully understands all the media activities organised by the sport, but he too thinks something of a balance needs to be found. "I have to say that I think places like this one and with the investment that has been done and the place that we are racing, I think it deserves a little bit different treatment and a little bit extra show of what we did today," stated the Aston Martin driver.

He continued: "I'm okay to do extra for these types of events, but maybe it could be balanced somehow and reduce maybe our schedules somewhere else. We've been saying that, especially the media commitments that we have, and it's nothing against you guys, but it seems a little bit repetitive what we have to go through, especially on Thursdays."