Formula 1 announces Grands Prix with sprint races

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fallback image sprint races 2024
5 December 2023 at 12:09
Last update 5 December 2023 at 12:25
  • Toby McLuskie

Formula 1 has officially announced where sprint races will be held in 2024. It will be six again, next season in China, Miami, Austria, the United States (Austin), Brazil and Qatar.

China and Miami new on the sprint calendar

There are two new locations on the calendar for the sprint races in 2024, namely Miami and China. For the latter competition, a Sprint is an extra major challenge, because Formula 1 has not been able to race at the Shanghai circuit for the past four seasons due to the coronavirus pandemic. The teams therefore cannot rely on much recent data in their preparation. It will also be the first time for Miami.

With six races, the number of Sprints has remained the same as in 2023. This means that two sprint races have been exchanged, as China and Miami make an appearance. Just last season we had Sprints in Azerbaijan and Belgium. It is perhaps remarkable that there will be only one sprint competition in Europe next season.