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Max Verstappen on the current F1 calendar

Verstappen would rather see different circuits on calendar: 'More passion'

10 December 2023 at 09:00
  • Toby McLuskie

At the Las Vegas Grand Prix, Max Verstappen revealed what he finds most important about the sport - emotion and passion for racing. These are elements that tied him to the sport as a small child. The Dutchman would therefore rearrange the F1 calendar if it were up to him.

Recently, many circuits have been added to the calendar that have little history or passion for Formula 1. Saudi Arabia, for example, has been added to the calendar in 2021, likewise with Qatar, and Las Vegas. Verstappen has spoken out about this before, but at the FIA Prize Giving Gala, he let his opinion be heard once again.

Verstappen reveals that in his ideal world, he would only race at all the good circuits, spread around the world, but unfortunately, that is not possible in Formula 1. What he means by good circuits, he leaves open in the press conference, but we have heard from him before that he prefers 'old school' circuits.

Commercial side

Still, the Dutchman can also understand the commercial side of the sport, but that does not stop him from giving his opinion when asked. ''I understand that side of it, but when people ask me a question, I think it's important to give an honest answer and that's what I did, but you have to see from both sides, the sports side of it but also of course the commercial side of it.''

Verstappen ends by saying that he is happy with the balance of circuits on the calendar, over the whole year.