
verstappen tells FIA awards he wanted to have fun above all

Verstappen isn't on holiday yet: 'I'm flying all over the world'

11 December 2023 at 07:00

The life of an F1 driver is pretty hectic. You fly from place to place, are always busy and are rarely at home. Now that the season is over, it is time to relax. Right? Not according to Max Verstappen.

During the press conference at the FIA Prize Giving Gala, Verstappen is asked how life has been since Abu Dhabi: ''A little bit busy,'' the Dutchman says, ''I didn't really have a holiday yet, but it will come. Just been around, been flying all over the world really. And now we're back all over the world here in Baku, so yeah, it's fine. Upcoming weeks, we'll have a bit of time off.''

Records not an end goal for Verstappen

The season is finally starting to sink in for the Dutchman: ''It's been really enjoyable to work with everyone inside the team. Of course, once you are winning a few in a row, you want to keep that momentum going and the pressure is always on.'' Verstappen continued: ''I was never thinking about trying to break all these records. I was just trying to do the best I could every single race weekend and enjoy it as well at the same time, because these kind of great moments, they don't come along that often. So yeah, it was a very, very good year.''