F1 News

ferrari gives update on power unit for 2026 and sees big challenge

Ferrari give update on power unit '26: 'A huge challenge awaits'

2 June at 19:00
  • Ludo van Denderen

It seems a long way off, but the ten F1 teams are already working hard on the 2026 season. A new set of regulations will come into force then, including the introduction of a new type of power units. The engines that will then be in the back of the cars are currently being built and tested. This is happening at Ferrari, among others, which is facing an important month, according to Enrico Gualtieri, the Technical Director Power Unit at the Italian team.

The development of a new power unit goes in stages. Meanwhile, an important moment has arrived, the Italian can tell. "Yes, It is start to getting intense and more intense over this month, for sure. 2024 will be the year in which we will have to put everything together. We are going on in the development of each different and every component. So it's getting intense, is getting enjoyable, and it's getting more and more challenging because there is a huge challenge in front of us and in front, I think, every power unit manufacturers," Gualtieri said.

How strong is Ferrari's power unit?

So in 2024, it's about putting all the pieces of the puzzle together; the next year is mainly about fine-tuning. How good the future power unit is, everyone is obviously curious about that, because with the new regulations upcoming, which team and which manufacturer have their act together best. According to Ferrari's director, it is difficult to say anything about the expected power ratios.

"It's difficult to say because I think that everyone is doing maybe different programmes. So we are using at the dyno some components, some units. But as I said before, everything still has to be put together, and we will do over the next month," Gualteri said.