F1 News

Red Bull Racing announcement imminent?

Red Bull Racing to post special news: big announcement on the way?

3 June 2024 at 08:30
Last update 3 June 2024 at 09:05
  • Cas van de Kleut

Red Bull Racing has teased it will soon be sharing an announcement. The team revealed this via Instagram

On Sunday, Red Bull opened a broadcast channel on Instagram. You can sign up for this as a fan. It allows the Austrian team to send messages to participants. The channel is called 'Announcement'. 

Will Red Bull come up with big announcement?

The first message was immediately exciting. Namely, Red Bull said, "Stay tuned". This probably means that something big is coming. In doing so, the Austrian racing stable has yet to really give a hint as to what the announcement has to do with.

The most obvious is the decision for the second driver in 2025. Last week, Formu1a.uno came out with the rumour that Sergio Perez has signed a one-season contract. This would depart from his demand for a two-year contract extension. In fact, that was what he actually had in mind.

It could also be about a new sponsor, just as Ferrari recently announced it had a new title sponsor in HP. In Red Bull's case, this only seems more unlikely, as Max Verstappen 's team already has a title sponsor in Oracle. Should a new sponsor emerge, it could be accompanied by possibly a modified livery. More clarity is likely to come soon. Until then, it remains speculation.

This article was written in collaboration with Sophia Crothall.