F1 teams disagree with FIA: 'New regulations far from final'


F1 News

team bosses not satisfied with new formula one regulations
8 June at 09:00
  • Ludo van Denderen

Last week, the FIA proudly presented the technical regulations for 2026 and beyond. But among the teams, the proposals - especially on aerodynamics - have not gone down too well. This Saturday, they are already meeting with the FIA to discuss their concerns. So the regulations as proposed seem anything but final, according to the words of team principals.

Thus Mike Krack, Aston Martin's team boss, stated on Friday: "There was a first publication. I think we are quite far away still from the final one. And I think it's now up to all stakeholders to discuss, work on possible issues in a constructive way, rather than using the media to try and put something forward. So I think over the next weeks and months at TAC level, I think we will be able to iron out all the issues that are still there."

Andrea Stella, at the helm at McLaren, indicated that his team supports the FIA's intentions and goals. At the same time, he too indicated that there is quite a bit of work to do: "If we look at the regulations in the draft form that has been circulated, they are still far from being able to achieve those agreeable objectives and intent," the Italian said. He therefore calls on the FIA, F1 and the teams to work together, listen to each other and work together to reach a decision. "I think if we meet those objectives, we're going to have Formula 1 in a good shape, but we need to make sure that when it's the time of implementation, we actually deliver a product that meets those targets and objectives."

Two stumbling blocks for F1 teams

James Vowles, Williams' team principal, confirmed that the teams have two stumbling blocks. First and foremost, there is a problem with the aerodynamic side of the regulations. In addition, the Briton does not believe that a 30kg weight reduction is achievable. "I look at it from a Williams perspective, but I don't think anyone is going to achieve this. It's going to be hugely difficult and this needs to be looked at."

Still, all in all, Vowles says: "I would absolutely agree with my peers here that it is in a position where if we work together, and we will do going forward on this one, we can get it to a really good position, I think. It's a solid foundation to work from, but we do need to clear up some aspects of it."