Austrian Grand Prix weather: Another rain affected weekend?

F1 News

Austrian GP weather forecast
27 June at 19:30
  • Ben Stevens

Last weekend's Spanish Grand Prix managed to stay dry, despite there being early chances of rain. However, Austria is looking like a much wetter weekend like F1 had in Canada, with a very high chance of rain on Sunday. 

What does the weather forecast look like for Austria? 

Teams and drivers only have one 60-minute practice session for the 2024 Austrian Grand Prix weekend due to the sprint format. This means the first free practice is more important than usual. Teams won't be pleased to see a 38% chance of rain during FP1 and 12:00 local time. If it does rain, it's expected not to last too long with a significantly lower chance in the hours either side. It's expected to be around 25c on Friday. Rain remains in the picture for sprint qualifying. The chance increases to 43%, and there are warnings of thunderstorms. 

Saturday seems likely to be a very dry day, with sunshine. The chance of rain doesn't go above 5% and the temperature is even predicted to rise to 30c. Sunday is forecast to be partly cloudy, with 28% chance of rain. 

The weather is just another element that will increase the tension this coming weekend. After Spain, it's clear that McLaren and Red Bull are very closely matched, with Mercedes and Ferrari not far behind. There's an extra challenge in Austria: a sprint weekend.