Sargeant responds to Albon after viral incident: 'Parked like an idiot!'

F1 News

Logan Sargeant responds to David Coulthard after parking incident
29 June at 10:41
  • Toby Nixon

Logan Sargeant went viral last weekend after former Formula 1 driver David Coulthard suggested that the American hit a pole in the car park at the Spanish Grand Prix last weekend. Speaking on Williams' Team Torque, Sargeant defended his parking, as teammate Albon took the blame for the incident instead.

"So Alex parked like an idiot and I parked perfectly. And I got s*** for him parking and hitting a pole. What were you doing?" Commented the American. 

"I never hit the pole," Albon said in defence. "The pole was never touched. It's just right on the edge. They obviously filmed it from an angle that looks like I've hit the pole. Regardless, the main point is Logan got the stick for it." Both found the incident funny, as Sargeant couldn't believe he got the blame. 

Sargeant: Coulthard had 'no idea!'

"The bloke had no idea whose car it was!" Said Sargeant. 

"DC, or whoever must have seen Williams on it and just went after Logan for no reason." Concluded Albon. It hasn't been a great season for Williams on the track. The Grove-based team sits in ninth place in the constructor's championship on just two points and Logan Sargeant is set to be leaving the team at the end of the 2024 season. His successor is yet to be announced.