Horner reveals the key to success in Hungary: 'All about this factor'

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Christian Horner on rb20 updates in hungary
20 July at 08:50
  • Corwin Kunst

Red Bull Racing introduced their biggest update of the season so far in Hungary. Max Verstappen drove with the new parts during the first two free practice sessions and there's satisfaction within the Austrian team with the data gathered. According to Christian Horner, tyre management in particular will determine who wins the race on Sunday.

Is Horner happy with how the updates are faring at the Hungaroring? "We see a correlation between what we see on the simulator and actually on the track. That's great to see," said the team boss. "I think we're seeing a correlation between our tools and the track, which is great to see. And the aero guys seem reasonably content with the numbers that they're seeing. So, of course, it's now about tuning that and getting the most out of it, for tomorrow."

Warm temperatures in Budapest

An 'encouraging' Friday is how Horner summed up the first day in Hungary. However, he knows better than anyone that such a fine start is no guarantee of a good continuation for the rest of the weekend. "But, there's so many differences between power modes and fuel levels and even management in the long run of who's managing and how they're managing their tyres."

Handling the rubber is the key to success in the Hungarian capital. "It's all going to be about tyres in this race. And, making sure you've got a setup that perhaps isn't the ultimate over a single lap, which is what we've seen over the last couple of years, but gives you that longevity is what's going to be the most going to be crucial." The Red Bull team boss concluded.