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Stewards note an incident on Max Verstappen

Crucial points in doubt for Verstappen? Dutchman under investigation

2 November 2024 at 14:52

The stewards have put Max Verstappen under investigation after an incident during the sprint race. The stewards want to look at Verstappen's actions during the virtual safety car period in the Brazilian Grand Prix sprint race. 

Update: The stewards have announced their verdict.

Verstappen was very close to Piastri when the virtual safety car was cleared. According to the stewards, this might have been against the rules. Drivers are told to stick within a delta during VSCs. Just after the sprint race, it was confirmed that the stewards noted Verstappen's action and was later investigated. As a result, the Dutchman could incur a penalty in Brazil.

Verstappen finished third in the sprint race after battling Charles Leclerc. The three-time world champion managed to pass the Ferrari with a clever overtaking move. Lando Norris won the sprint race after taking the lead due to team orders from McLaren.

This article has been created in collaboration with Jeroen Immink