F1 News

Silverstone resurfaced ready for British Grand Prix
Silverstone circuit has been resurfaced in preparation for the British Grand Prix. Last year there were a number of complaints about how bumpy the track was despite it being resurfaced in 2018. Lewis Hamilton said “the people they hired did the worst job ever” so Silverstone will hope to have done a better job this year.
The new track is thought to be more grippy and is smoother so hopefully will be less bumpy.
FIA race director Michael Masi thinks that the track will work perfectly.
“A couple of our team from the FIA did go there in recent weeks to have a look at the level of works being done and from everything that the images that I’ve seen and what’s happened that’s been done to a very, very high standard,” said Masi to RaceFans.net.
“The track manager said in his 30 years there the place has been resurfaced three times and twice in the last couple of years so he’d like to hope that it doesn’t happen in the rest of his time working there.”
Hopefully the new track will allow for an exciting race and Formula 1 can follow up the excitement of the Austrian Grand Prix.