F1 News

Carlos Sainz has been tested for coronavirus and the result is negative
A McLaren team member was diagnosed with the coronavirus in Australia late last week and shortly afterwards the team decided to withdraw from the first race of the season. The team members of the entire team have gone into self-isolation as a precaution, including Carlos Sainz since he returned to Europe.
Negative result
Since Carlos Sainz has been in the vicinity of a person infected with COVID-19, he has decided to take a test. The results came back negative. In this case, positive news and that also applies to his attitude while he is in the gym.
He also states that little will change for him since he will still remain in quarantine. This was also ordered by the Spanish government, which has set a lockdown to prevent the virus from spreading.
— Carlos Sainz (@Carlossainz55) March 17, 2020
Después de lo ocurrido en Australia decidí hacerme la prueba y estoy muy contento porque haya salido negativa. Aunque no cambiará mucho, ya que seguiré en cuarentena con los mismos cuidados. #quedateencasa pic.twitter.com/AHpPYJuytX