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Verstappen praised: "He doesn’t try to be anything, that he’s not"

26 April 2020 at 15:32
Last update 26 April 2020 at 16:33

Will Buxton is not only a big fan of Max Verstappen as a driver, but also as a person. The presenter of the official social media channels of Formula 1 loves that the personality of the Red Bull Racing driver hasn't changed over the years, despite the fact that the popularity of the Dutchman has only increased.

Drivers often pretend differently as they become better known, so that they score well with the public opinion, but this is not the case at Verstappen. The 22 year old Dutchman says what he thinks and doesn't hesitate to openly criticize things that he thinks should be brought to the attention.

Verstappen remains himself

And that's exactly why Buxton is such a fan. "He still unashamed, unabashed. I like that, i love that about him", he explains in conversation with Allard Kalff in a podcast of RTL GP. The former racing driver continues his story by saying that we see the 'real' Max in front of the cameras over and over again during a Grand Prix weekend. "He doesn’t try to be anything, that he’s not."

That personality also fits very well with what the Red Bull team wants to express in Formula 1. In that respect the combination Verstappen-Red Bull has turned out to be a golden match. From the Austrian race stable, the eight-time Grand Prix winner gets all the space he needs in the interviews he gives and is not tied to political games, as they are often played at Ferrari. "You can’t imagine if he would have that same freedom everywhere else. They let him be him."

'Then Verstappen is unstoppable'

So far Verstappen hasn't had the car to seriously challenge Mercedes for the Formula 1 World Championship. Possibly that will happen in 2020 and Buxton can't wait for the moment to come. "If he gets a proper car underneath him, he’s gonna be unstoppable", the 39-year-old Briton concludes with praise.