F1 teams may bring a maximum of 80 people to the tracks


29 May 2020 at 11:42
Last update 29 May 2020 at 11:53
  • GPblog.com

Because of the pandemic, teams with significantly fewer personnel will be present on the tracks, in order to limit the chance of spread as much as possible. The FIA has now determined how many men each team is allowed to bring and there are fewer than before. The paddock will therefore be a quiet environment for the coming season.

Maximum eighty men

Against Reuters, the FIA has indicated that they have set a maximum of eighty personnel, who may travel to circuits on behalf of a team. This is not the only restriction, because a maximum of sixty men of this group is allowed to deal with the cars. The other twenty may not interfere with the garage according to this rule.

The calculation with ten teams makes that there are a total of 800 people present on the circuits and that falls well within the commonly heard 'maximum 1000' man. This also leaves room for representatives of the FIA, Liberty Media, the catering on circuits, media, camera people and more.

Whether the whole circus will stay within the 1000 men is still difficult to estimate, for that we have to wait for the first race. It is still planned for Austria and after next weekend the government will make a decision.