Formula 1 had to make several adjustments, but in the end it has a safe concept


30 May 2020 at 15:13

The Formula 1 season will start on July 5 in Austria, that much is clear by now. The announcement that this will also take place definitively took a long time. This is because the approval for the double Grand Prix was a rather complex procedure.

Before Formula 1 can organize a Grand Prix during this corona crisis, it first had to put together a plan to be able to do this in a safe and responsible way. This plan must then be approved by the government of the country concerned, as it must also follow their guidelines.

In Austria they were willing to give the sport space, but nevertheless the guidelines were very strict. After a lengthy procedure, Formula 1 now has everything in order. According to Health Minister Rudolf Anschober everything has been thought of. This he said at the press conference of the official announcement:

"The concept [of Formula 1 for a Grand Prix behind closed doors] meets the requirements to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. It provides strict hygiene measures, as well as regular tests and health checks for the teams and all other staff, and it has a specific medical concept".

According to sources of the Kleine Zeitung, the Austrian government did not take one night's notice when approving this concept. Formula 1 would have been asked several times to modify their original concept.