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FBI completes investigation: Strap in Wallace's garage no racist threat

24 June 2020 at 06:22

Last weekend there seemed to have been a disgusting incident in NASCAR. A noose was found in Bubba Wallace's garage. What seemed like a threat, however, was not meant for the driver.

The incident was taken pretty seriously, so the FBI investigated the noose. ''The FBI completed its investigation into the noose and concluded that Bubba Wallace was not the target of this action. Images show that the noose had been there since October 2019,'' NASCAR says in a statement.

Still no racist threat

Since the noose was already there in October, one can say with certainty that it wasn't targeted at Wallace. Garage number 4 was only allocated to Wallace at the last moment (as usual in NASCAR), which the person could never have known in October.

Nor is it strange that the noose has not been found before, because after the last race in October no one has been in that garage. So when the Bubba team arrived at the track and ended up in the garage, the noose was still there. How and why it ended up there is still unclear.