F1 News

Head start for Verstappen? 'Red Bull only team that has already tested update'
- GPblog.com
The confidence at Red Bull Racing and Max Verstappen is great. In 2020 there should finally be another title possible for Milton Keynes. An important link in that potential success is Honda's engine. Has it improved enough?
''Honda has learned from the past that they need to be there right away. Normally Red Bull found the connection during the season, but now they can't with only eight races in the first place. If you get to a tenth race, you're already well over half and you'll never be able to catch up'', says Kees van de Grint at Slipstream of RTL GP.
Confidence at Red Bull
Van de Grint was already confident of a victory in Australia for Verstappen and is now continuing that line. ''Why couldn't they win now? Of course it's not a race, but I have a lot of faith in that team.'' Allard Kalff then adds that the Verstappens were already very enthusiastic in Barcelona.
''We sat at the table with the whole team of Verstappen and they clearly indicated that they had achieved everything they wanted to achieve. That expresses confidence. They also tested the 2020 car and are the only team that has been able to test updates. The technical guys can already view the data'', concludes the presenter.