
Update on surgery Zanardi: Stable but situation remains serious
On the Monday prior to the start of the 2020 season, former F1 rider Alessandro Zanardi was in surgery after a serious accident with his handbike. The hospital where the Italian is currently hospitalized gives an update on his situation 24 hours after the surgery.
It seems that the second brain surgery that the Italian had to undergo after the severe accident of 19 June was successful. It is mentioned that the patient is neurologically stable. However, the situation remains critical.
In a press release, the hospital reports: "The health department of the University Medical Center of Sienna informs us about the second brain surgery that Alex Zanardi underwent yesterday".
Stable but serious
"The patient shows stationary clinical features 24 hours after surgery and is stable in terms of brain activity. Outlook for recovery remains serious. Zanardi is currently admitted to Intensive Care, where he is kept asleep artificially. Further information will remain confidential."
The message concludes that, in consultation with Zanardi's family, it has been decided to stick with this statement as long as no significant changes in his situation occur.