McLaren does not rule out comeback: "Should never underestimate Ferrari''

F1 News

1 September 2020 at 09:15

Ferrari performed pretty poor during the Belgian Grand Prix and, according to the competitors, the red cars in Italy can dangle at the back of the grid just like that.

''If we look at last year and the performance we have achieved so far, I think we are in a good position to get into Q3. If we can do that, then we'll have a good starting position for the race straight away'', says Andreas Seidl about the chances of his own team. He has less hope for Ferrari.

Can Ferrari still return?

''I expect another exciting fight with Racing Point and Renault, but Ferrari will struggle there as well. Hopefully that will give us the chance to score a lot of points again, because our competitors on other circuits might be much faster than we are'', said the team boss of McLaren according to

So Seidl has little hope for Ferrari, although he doesn't completely flatten them out. ''We should never underestimate that Ferrari has the strength to hit back hard over the course of a season. With all the experience and resources they have, I am sure it is only a question of when they will strike back'', the German concludes.