
It seems final: GP Brazil moves to Rio after leaked letter from Carey
Surely it now looks as if there will be no more raids on Interlagos, in Sao Paolo Brazil. Motorsport-Total is in possession of a letter allegedly sent by Chase Carey to Claudio Castro, governor of the state of Rio de Janeiro.
The letter signed by the current boss of Formula 1 states, among other things, that they are rounding up with the organisers who want to organise a Grand Prix in Rio. It has been hanging in the air for a long time because Interlagos is not currently paying to organise a Grand Prix. The contract with the beautiful circuit that lies between two lakes ran until this year. Due to the corona pandemic the race was cancelled this year.
No circuit yet
From the letter it is not clear on which circuit will be driven in Rio de Janiero. At this moment it is not clear yet but there are plans for a new circuit in the district of Deodoro, but the first stone has not been laid yet. The Brazilian district would get counter gas from various environmental organizations for the construction of a new track. Thousands of trees would have to be felled for the new circuit.
If it does not go ahead in the Deodoro district, it seems that Formula 1 will be diverted to another circuit in the state of Rio instead of returning to the beloved Interlagos.
Schade um Interlagos. Erinnere mich noch gut an Ende 80er, Anfang 90er, als das Foto von Interlagos zum Saisonauftakt in der TV-Zeitung das Ende des rennfreien Winters bedeutet und riesige Vorfreude in mir ausgelöst hat ... #F12021 #F1 #Formel1 #BrazilianGP
— Christian Nimmervoll (@MST_ChristianN) October 7, 2020