New Ferrari power source not enough: 'Shopping at other teams'

Ferrari has had a disappointing year and another such year would be disastrous for Ferrari. The Italians are therefore already working hard on next year where the hope is that the engine will make a big step forward. However, a good engine is not enough.
Journalist Umberto Zapelloni is a guest at Pit Talk and discusses Ferrari's situation for next year. Earlier it was announced that the chassis will undergo the necessary changes at the rear, but now the engine for next year also turns out to be a lot better than this year.
Fighting for the podium
Zapelloni is a former deputy director of La Gazzetta dello Sport and thinks that Ferrari has taken another step with its power source. "There are encouraging rumours that the 2021 engine, unlike the 2020 engine, will be able to compete for the podium again, which would be an important step forward."
This is good news for Ferrari fans although Zampelloni does not want to be too sure too soon. We need more than just a good engine. We need to get back to other teams: "I'm afraid it's not enough, I'm afraid we need reinforcements for Ferrari: we need to look for the best in the other teams to try to be a winning team again as it was in Schumacher, Todt and Montezemolo's time. When the best was working in Maranello."