F1 News

Stroll on not taking Covid test: "Just didn't think I had it"
- GPblog.com
Lance Stroll announced this week that he did in fact have COVD-19 during the Eifel Grand Prix, despite some negative tests earlier that week. At the press conference prior to the Portuguese Grand Prix, he was questioned as to why he did not take another test that weekend, until Sunday evening.
"I have no idea how I contracted it," said Stroll to RaceFans.net. “I came into the weekend, tested negative and was cleared to race. My next scheduled test was Sunday evening at the end of the weekend and I stuck to that plan with the conclusion, speaking to my doctor, that it wasn’t Covid.”
Stroll explained how he was convinced that he didn't have it. "In hindsight, yes, I had Covid at that time and I should have got tested. At the time I didn’t know I had Covid, I didn’t think I had Covid."
Stroll has since tested negative ahead of the Portuguese Grand Prix and feels fine. So he will probably be back in action this weekend.