Weather forecast Bahrain: Difference between Saturday and Sunday
F1 News

Bahrain is one of those races in an F1 season where you know in advance what the weather is going to be like. Hoping for rain is also pointless in a desert. Still, the weather forecast for this weekend is such that it could make for some interesting differences.
Friday & saturday
Where some drivers in Bahrain were recently testing in a real sandstorm, this weekend will be a little bit calmer in that respect. On Friday and Saturday the desert sun will be shining during the day and pracice will take place in 94 degrees Fahrenheit heat. In the evening it'll cool down to 73 degrees Fahrenheit, but the wind strength increases considerably. Especially on Saturday evening, qualifying time, the wind will blow hard with 36 kilometres per hour, and the temperature will be around 69 degrees Fahrenheit.
Sunday the temperature decreases a little bit, but the wind keeps blowing hard. During the day the wind is blowing around 45 kilometres per hour. Although this will decrease to 36 kilometres per hour during the race, there will still be some sand on the track. The evening temperature on Sunday will be similar to Saturday night: 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
So it will be exciting for the teams to see how to deal with the changing conditions.