F1 News

Zandvoort Circuit does not fear outcome of investigation: "It only got cleaner"
- GPblog.com
On Tuesday, the court ruled that the investigation into the nitrogen emissions around Formula 1 at Zandvoort must be reopened. Circuit Zandvoort reacted by saying that it is not worried about this.
Five cases were filed against the circuit and the province by environmental organisations, three of which are being reopened. A verdict in these cases was supposed to be given on August 12, but in all likelihood, this will only happen after the Grand Prix, which for this reason does not seem to be in jeopardy at the moment.
Circuit Zandvoort does not fear findings of the investigation
Environmental organizations fear that the nitrogen emissions will increase too much because of the event, but the circuit claims the opposite. This would appear from a report drawn up by the circuit. The data is based on past emissions. "It is common knowledge that the now hybrid F1 cars have only become more fuel-efficient and cleaner over the past 30 years," the circuit spokesman told Dutch website NH News.
The organisation assumes that the nitrogen emissions will be lower rather than higher. Stichting Advisering Bestuursrechtspraak is to carry out the study, and has been asked to present its findings within three months.