What is more important in Formula 1: The driver or the team?
In a new video from Chain Bear, the man from the analyzing Formula 1 videos, researches the influence of the driver. To what extent is the driver important for the result and to what extent does the car play a role?
Everything used to be better?
Everything used to be better, you hear a lot of people say about Formula 1 nowadays. Nowadays you have to be in the best car to become a champion and the driver is a much less important factor. At least that is the position of many, but is it true? Chain Bear picked it out for his latest video.
For example, Mercedes became world champion during the last six years, of which Lewis Hamilton managed to pick up six. Of course Hamilton couldn't do this on his own, but how big is the role of a driver when the teams are closer together. Several Formula 1 seasons were therefore analysed.