Internet reageert wisselend op nieuwe livery van Williams
F1 Nieuws

Op vrijdag toonde Williams haar nieuwe livery aan de wereld. De overwegend witte kleurstelling van vorig jaar heeft plaatsgemaakt voor meerdere tinten blauw met gele accenten. De reacties zijn nog verdeeld over de FW43B.
Reacties zijn verdeeld
I'll be honest...I want to love it. But...I'm not sure I do. It's very...I don't know what it is, but I don't like it.
— Thomas Maher (@thomasmaheronf1) March 5, 2021
I'll be honest...I want to love it. But...I'm not sure I do. It's very...I don't know what it is, but I don't like it.
— Thomas Maher (@thomasmaheronf1) March 5, 2021
My biggest grievance with the Williams livery is that they seemed to have run out of paint to colour this bit in.
— Andy (@AndyGraham22) March 5, 2021
Williams casually gonna have the coolest car on the grid lmao love to see it
— Ash 🪴 (@ash_soefje) March 5, 2021
Williams seems to be sponsored by stripes
— Brian Bonner (@Indy92) March 5, 2021
My take is that it has some potential as a livery - add a main sponsor on the sidepod and a few on the front wing flaps and it might click. At least a bit more. Maybe.
— Chris Medland (@ChrisMedlandF1) March 5, 2021
But main thing from a Williams POV is that it's another step forward from last year and picks up a point.
87.456% of the #F1 grid this season:
— The Race (@wearetherace) March 5, 2021
Seen better liveries on F1 2020. Think they should hire @timholmesdesign
— PD Jenkins (@PDPie85) March 5, 2021
Designer: how many shades of blue shall we use? Williams: yes
— Thomas Andrews (@thomasandrews01) March 5, 2021
Designer: how many shades of blue shall we use? Williams: yes
— Thomas Andrews (@thomasandrews01) March 5, 2021
I can’t make up my mind whether I like it or not. Imo it doesn’t look like a Williams but hey ho new era and all that.
— Emily🕊 (@EClarky97) March 5, 2021