F1 News

Photo overview | F1 cars in action for the first time during winter test
- GPblog.com
The first day of testing in Barcelona is already over. The teams have been busy testing their new 2022 cars all day. A lot of laps were driven, and as always this results in beautiful images. GPblog has put together a photo album of the first day.
The test days are more important and popular than ever this year, because with the introduction of the new regulations, the cars look completely different. The teams are therefore testing extensively. Max Verstappen drove many laps today, as did Ferrari.
Photo overview first test day Barcelona
The teams have worked hard to develop the new car. The pressure is on for all the teams this year, because nobody knows for sure who will be fighting at the top for the world title next season. There are big differences between the teams. Below is an overview of all the cars during the first test day in Barcelona.