Miami GP Weather forecast: Very hot race expected, with chance of rain

F1 News

8 May 2022 at 08:29
Last update 8 May 2022 at 11:53

Although so far we have only seen blue skies, sunshine and high temperatures in Miami, it is not all nice weather in the Florida city. Prior to this weekend, rain was predicted for Sunday, the day of the Miami Grand Prix. It looked like this rain would stay off, but there is still a chance of rain during the race.

It is expected to be hot in Miami during the race. Temperatures of over 30 degrees celcius await the drivers, according to Yet rain showers are also lurking, because at the time of the Grand Prix, there is a 33 percent chance of rain.

Already a lot of rain in Miami during the night

What is a certainty is that rain fell in Miami this weekend. Indeed, last night a huge thunderstorm passed over the circuit. F1 journalist Chris Medland reports this on Twitter. Chances are that all the grip built up on the circuit this weekend will be completely gone. In theory, not bad news for the drivers, who now have more opportunity to overtake.

The concern of the drivers was that overtaking would not be easy, because of the large amount of marbles on the outside part of the track. Driving off the ideal line was not an option, but with the rain there is a good chance that the dirt has been washed away. This gives the drivers the opportunity to drive several lines and still overtake.