Australian GP date announced - Not the first race of 2023!
F1 News

The Australian Grand Prix has lost the top spot on the Formula One calendar. The race in Melbourne in 2023 will also be held in April.
Before the coronavirus broke out, the Australian Grand Prix had been the season opener for years. In Melbourne the presentations of the new teams were done and also a picture was taken of all the new drivers. However, when the coronavirus broke out in 2020, the race could not take place and this had more consequences.
Australian GP in 2023
In 2022, Australia returned to the F1 calendar, but as the third race. Andrew Westacott, CEO of the Australian GP organisation, had previously hinted that he would like to return as the first race. However, that will not happen in 2023, as the organisation now announces the date on which the race will take place, namely from 30 March to 2 April.
According to De Telegraaf reporter Erik van Haren, Australia will once again sit behind Bahrain and Saudi Arabia as the third race on the calendar in 2023. The full calendar would also consist of 23 or 24 races, the latter mainly depending on whether or not the Chinese Grand Prix will take place.
The Australian Grand Prix 2023 date has been revealed!*
— F1 Australian Grand Prix (@ausgrandprix) August 15, 2022
Register your interest to stay to up to date on all things ticketing: #AusGP #F1
Grand Prix van Australië volgend jaar op 2 april, is tenminste de bedoeling.
— Erik van Haren (@ErikvHaren) August 15, 2022
Zoals eerder gemeld wordt dat opnieuw de derde race van het seizoen, na Bahrein en Saoedi-Arabië (vermoedelijk 5 en 19 maart). 23 of 24 races in totaal, afhankelijk van China. #F1