F1 News

Weather forecast | F1 drivers face hot GP America

17 October 2022 at 17:48
Last update 17 October 2022 at 19:11
  • GPblog.com

Formula 1 drivers have to get back to work in a few days after a weekend off. The teams will then travel to the United States to take part in the American Grand Prix. They look set to face some hot days in the process, Weather.com predicts.

During the first two free practice sessions on Friday, it will be quite warm with up to 30 degrees Celsius. As there is only a one per cent chance of precipitation hitting the track, drivers can look forward to a very dry track.

Saturday will see similar conditions. The temperature will then reach a maximum of 31 degrees Celsius, which will still make it quite warm for the spectators along the side. There is only a six per cent chance of precipitation on the day of qualifying.

Possible a splash of rain in the race

Sunday is expected to be a bit cloudier than the other two days. With 30 degrees Celsius, it will remain warm at the track, but the chance of precipitation goes up considerably. During the day, this is 24 per cent and this increases in the evening, which may still see rain in the race.