FIA clarifies rules on standing restart after confusion

F1 News

FIA clarifies rules on standing restart after confusion
29 April 2023 at 14:42
Last update 29 April 2023 at 15:13

The FIA has updated the regulations for a race restart after a red flag. The shared document should now provide more clarity to fans and teams about the procedure for a standing restart.

After the race in Melbourne, there was much confusion about the restart procedure. It was not clear to teams and fans what the procedure was at the time of a standing restart. To clear things up a bit, the motorsport federation has clarified.

In the event of a red flag, all drivers will have to park their cars in the pit lane, in front of the white line. Ten minutes prior to the restart, all teams will receive a signal, which will also be sent five minutes before the restart and three minutes before the start.

Two minutes before the restart, all cars put on a lap will be allowed one lap to rejoin the back of the pit lane. After this, the light at the end of the pit lane will turn green, after which everyone will make their way to the starting grid.