First time in Formula 1: the debut of two talents in pictures!

F1 News

harakawa and bearman test mclaren and ferrari
12 October 2023 at 15:15
Last update 12 October 2023 at 16:36
  • Toby McLuskie

In the 2024 season, the F1 grid seems to consist of exactly the same drivers as in the current vintage. That has hardly ever happened in the past. Meanwhile, newcomers are knocking on the gate to get a chance in Formula 1. Two of them were given first chances at Ferrari and McLaren this week.

Oliver Bearman was recently told he can drive two free practice sessions in Mexico and Abu Dhabi on behalf of Haas. The 18-year-old Briton is known as a huge talent and already managed to impress several times this season in Formula 2. For example, he already took four wins in 2023. Bearman has never driven a Formula car before. At least, until this week. At the Fiorano circuit in Italy, he was allowed to test with the SF-21.

Hirakawa at McLaren

Ryo Hirakawa already became a world champion in the World Endurance Championship (WEC) with Toyota. A few weeks ago, McLaren surprised everyone with the announcement that the Japanese had been added to the Driver Development programme. He was also allowed to make his first metres in a Formula 1 car. There are no moving pictures (yet), luckily we still have the photos.