F1 News

Weather in Imola today for the Grand Prix

The weather forecast for the Imola Grand Prix

19 May 2024 at 10:16

It's been a warm weekend so far in Imola and looks like temperatures are continuing to heat up. So, what conditions can the drivers expect today for the Imola Grand Prix?

Warm temperatures in Imola

According to weather.com, temperatures will reach a high of 26 degrees celsius today, with humidity remaining around 59%. Whilst the heat will not be as intense as Miami, it still means the drivers are likely to contend with the warm, sweaty conditions. 

Conditions look to be partly cloudy for the race which starts at 2pm BST. There is also a 1 per cent chance of rain for most of the day, with this increasing to 3 or 4 per cent later in the afternoon. The wind also remains mild, ranging between five and seven miles per hour. 

A thunderstorm was initally predicted for today, but the website has now moved the warning until tomorrow evening.