Can Mercedes compete with Red Bull? 'Updates are coming'

F1 News

Toto Wolff on updates for Mercedes in Barcelona
14 June at 10:30
Last update 14 June at 10:30
  • Sandy van Wijngaarden

In this season where updates are crucial to have a chance of winning, Mercedes has taken a step forward in recent races. Mercedes team boss Toto Wolff said in Canada that the team hopes to make another good development in Barcelona.

Mercedes came out with a package of updates in Monaco. Although the leap forward was not quite noticeable then, due to the track's distinct layout, in Canada it could be seen that the team took a step forward. George Russell eventually secured third place after his pole position on Saturday.

Mercedes slowly returns

So to take another step towards hopefully fighting at the front consistently, the team will come back with updates in Barcelona. What the effect will be of these developments, Toto Wolff cannot yet say. "I can't tell you. Sometimes when things work, and interact well with each other, the overall flow structure becomes more efficient. You're able to optimise the ride heights, and bit by bit, we have found we've added more performance."

With the entry into force of the new technical regulations in 2022, Mercedes completely missed the mark. After a very dominant period, Mercedes was a team in the middle of the field. The Silver Arrows are now clawing their way back up with working updates. "So another step in Barcelona, and hopefully, we will see it on the stopwatch," said the Mercedes team boss.

This article was written in collaboration with Olly Darcy