Russell roasts Hamilton with joke about 'Spanish Girlfriends'


George Russell roasts Lewis Hamilton with Spanish Girlfriend joke

George Russell and Lewis Hamilton shared a funny moment on stage in front of fans at the Circuit de Barcelona Catalunya last weekend. The Mercedes teammates were answering questions in front of thousands at the track, and George Russell left the crowd shocked when he suggested that Lewis Hamilton has multiple 'Spanish Girlfriends'.

During the short conversation with their host, George Russell told the adoring crowd that he loved Spanish food. He followed up by saying he has to, as his girlfriend, Carmen Montero Mundt, is Spanish. 

Russell jokes with Hamilton on stage: 'You have Spanish girlfriends!'

Hamilton replied by saying he doesn't know a lot about Spanish food as he doesn't have a Spanish girlfriend. George Russell then shocked the crowd by saying: "You don't have a Spanish girlfriend, you have Spanish girlfriends!" The fans present laughed with Russell, as Hamilton, who shrugged and smiled, awkwardly said: "Okay," before the conversation continued. 

As a vegan, the 103-time Grand Prix winner said he didn't eat much Spanish food as a lot of their delicacies, like Paella, contain meat. "I don't... What is that?" Said Hamilton when asked if he'd ever eaten Paella. The Spanish fans were shocked by this, and the host vowed to pass on a vegan recipe so Hamilton could try it. 

Mercedes currently sits in fourth place in the constructors championship, with 151 points. The Brackley-based team have improved their W15 quickly, and both British drivers will be looking to compete for more podiums and even race victories for the remainder of the season.