F1 News

meetings could Sainz attend with leaving Ferrari at the end of the season

Sainz left out at Ferrari: 'If they don't do that, they are not clever'

28 June at 08:40

Carlos Sainz is going to less Ferrari meetings at the moment. It's a simple practice in Formula One: Once a driver is confirmed to leave at the end of the season, they will not be able to visit certain meetings or take a complete look over the car's development. The Spaniard explained where things stand in terms of his meeting schedule at the Italian team.

"For sure [I'm missing from meetings]. But it is obvious now that they are not going to put me in the meetings of next year's car. If they do, they are probably not being very clever, no? Because they know I'm going to be somewhere else," Sainz began to explain to GPblog and others in Austria.

"So, yes, I'm not attending to the simulator sessions of the development of the next year's car. And I'm not attending the meetings of next year's car," Sainz confirmed that he has no knowledge about Ferrari's future developments, similarly to how Lewis Hamilton is now left out of certain decisions at Mercedes, as the Briton will replace Sainz in 2025.

"I am attending every session of the simulator of this year's car and this year's circuits. And I'm attending every meeting of this year's car and potential benefits or developments that might come to this year's car," Sainz explained his remaining tasks for 2024. "And I'm happy like that because that's how I think it should be. Or what I would do if I was team principal or whatever," the Spaniard concluded.