Ex-wife balks at Schumacher after he comes out: 'I trusted him blindly'

F1 News

Cora Schumacher and Ralf Schumacher conflicting story
17 August at 10:15
  • Sandy van Wijngaarden

A few weeks ago, Ralf Schumacher came out, revealing that he has a male partner. In his Instagram post that he used to reveal his sexuality, he can be seen with his boyfriend. The German's ex-wife has reacted to the situation. According to her, Ralf did not inform her of his orientation. Schumacher himself posts evidence on Instagram that this, however, is not true.

In a wide-ranging interview with Der Spiegel, Cora Schumacher talked about her marriage to Ralf Schumacher. She explains that she went through a difficult time in which she doubted herself a lot. The former F1 driver's announcement was unexpected for her, she said.

Cora Schumacher discovered ex-husband Ralf's orientation in the media

There had been rumours that Schumacher was gay, and Cora says he denied this for years. "Of course, I asked him about it. These rumours got worse and worse over the years. This of course made me feel more and more torn because I no longer knew if my head was playing tricks on me. But Ralf was always my main counsellor. I trusted him, blindly. And therefore his word was my law," she said.

"But how should I deal with the fact that Ralf didn't speak to me before he came out and said, for example, 'Take care, Cora. I'm sorry. Or: I didn't know how to tell you. Or: I really loved you. Nothing. That stuck in my heart so much,'" she continued. ''Coming out of the closet always has consequences for those around you, including your ex-wife with whom you had a child. I wish Ralf had involved me or at least initiated me. I would have seen that as a sign of respect. Instead, I heard about his coming out through the media." Cora revealed.

Ralf Schumacher denies this story from his ex-wife on Instagram. He posted a screenshot of a conversation between his boyfriend, Etienne, and Cora online. This shows however that Cora did indeed know about her ex-husband's orientation. Ralf and Cora, therefore, have publically contradicted each other in the media.

This article was written in collaboration with Toby Nixon