F1 News

F1 Social Stint | Alonso deelt oude donuts, Russell de chef
- GPblog.com
De Grands Prix van Australië, China, Vietnam, Bahrein, Nederland, Spanje en Monaco zijn afgelast/uitgesteld, maar dat mag de pret niet drukken. De Formule 1-coureus vullen hun tijd nu met andere zaken. In F1 Social Stint vind je alles wat de coureurs en teams bezig houdt tijdens de extra pauze voorafgaand aan het F1-seizoen.
Alonso dives into archives
In a time in which everyone is inside, a lot of old F1 footage has resurfaced. Fernando Alonso did his part. The Spaniard posted a video after his famous victory in Valencia in 2012. He treated the fans to some tasty donuts.
— Fernando Alonso (@alo_oficial) March 29, 2020
Norris raises money, has to go bald
Lando Norris used his huge Twitch presence on Saturday night to raise money to fight the coronavirus. The young Brit managed to raise as much as $12,000 through donations, but has now promised to shave his head!
Thanks to all my viewers for raising over $12,000 by the end of the night for #TwitchStreamAid and the fight against Covid-19! I do have to cut all my hair off now though... pic.twitter.com/fvCBvDArS2
— Lando Norris (@LandoNorris) March 29, 2020
Russell in the kitchen
George Russell too is trying new things in his time outside the cockpit. The Formula 2 champion of 2018 made an actual pokebowl for himself on Sunday!
Chef GR with the poke bowl
— George Russell (@GeorgeRussell63) March 29, 2020
Watch out @RGrosjean pic.twitter.com/8BAcDoB5lC