Hamilton comes with a message: "We have a lot of changes to make"

F1 News

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3 April 2020 at 06:36
  • GPblog.com

Lewis Hamilton has used social media in recent years to give his vision of, among other things, a sustainable world and vegan food. This time, the Mercedes driver writes about the coronavirus that is currently prevalent worldwide and has a huge impact on the entire population.

Hamilton started saying on Instagram that he wanted everyone to get better and that people would use this period to find out more about themselves. "It's crazy that the world stands still and we see the sky clear. Who knows why all of this is happening now, but there's a lot to think about for all of us", the British put on a bit of a hover.

Worldwide there are already more than 50,000 deaths as a result of the coronavirus. "All this data surprises me, I don't know how you feel about it, but we've lost control as humanity. What's even crazier is that at this sad time, when we are seeing more than 40,000 deaths (now 50,000, ed.) from the virus, about 57 million people die each year, according to the statistics. That means more than 150,000 people around the world die every day!"

Hamilton hopes that we will change

Hamilton tries to convey a message to his followers with his message. "Honestly, I read a lot. It's very strange that the world stands still and that we see the sky clearing," he refers to air pollution. "Who knows why all this is happening now, but there's a lot to think about for all of us. In 1900 we were less than 2 billion people, and now we're 7.7 billion, growing 140 million a year. We have many changes to make, in our habits, decisions we make, how we consume, many things. How can we really change as humanity if we are stuck in our ways? With a bit of luck, this global pandemic could help us change for the better," he concludes.