Binotto: 'It's very important that we're flexible about the calendar'

F1 News

8 April 2020 at 19:02
Last update 9 April 2020 at 09:45

The longer the start of the Formula 1 season will take, the more complex it will become to fill the calendar with as many races as possible. There is already talk of shortening weekends, multiple races on the same track, and so on. Ferrari will be blowing with the wind in this respect and will be flexible.

More than eight races

"We know from the sporting regulations that for a World Championship you need at least eight races, but everyone is trying to look for more than that," said Ferrari team boss Mattia Binotto in conversation with Sky Sports. "I think what will be important for us is really to be flexible." With which Binotto points out that Ferrari won't be difficult, as long as a nice calendar comes out.

"I'm pretty sure Chase Carey and the teams will be capable of putting together the best championship we can have. From our side, we are ready for whatever is needed. Whether it is a short race weekend, double races, whenever it will finish or packing the races together." In short, Binotto doesn't really care, he puts his trust in Liberty Media and the other teams.

"It is important to be flexible and making sure we can have good races as well for the fans."

More clarity at the end of May

For now it is still completely unclear when the Formula 1 season can start. The first reports seem to point to July, but that depends entirely on how the pandemic will develop in the coming weeks. Binotto does not know more than anyone else in this respect, but he does state that the end of May will provide more clarity.

"F1 is certainly trying to organise the best season, maybe starting early July if that would be possible, but don't have any confirmation at the moment. I think by the end of May we will have a clearer picture."

Start when you can

Finally, Binotto emphasizes that it is best to start racing as soon as possible. This is important for every team, given that it generates income. The sooner it starts, the more races can take place. Binotto: "I think it is in the interests of everyone to start racing when we can, when that will be possible, and have as many races as we can but I think now it's too early to have a clear picture of what will be the future," concludes the Italian.