GP of France: ''The state makes it impossible for us to organize a race''

F1 News

27 April 2020 at 09:27

The British Grand Prix may yet be held without an audience, but the French Grand Prix will not be held in 2020. This was announced by the organization on Monday.

No Grand Prix of France

The coronavirus affects the whole world and Formula 1 is no exception. The first nine races have already been postponed or even cancelled and on Monday morning it already became clear that the Grand Prix of Great Britain cannot organize a race with an audience present. For Paul Ricard even the latter is not feasible.

''Given the development of the coronavirus in the world, we as an organization have decided to cancel the Grand Prix for this year. The rules of the French State make it impossible for us to organize an event of this magnitude and so we focus our attention on 2020'", says the director of the circuit, Eric Boullier.

On to 2021

In the same message you can also read the statement of Chase Carey. ''We were in close contact with the organisation of the French Grand Prix and it is of course disappointing to let them know now that it can't go on. However, we are already looking forward to a nice race in 2021'', Carey concludes.

Just as for the British fans there will also be an arrangement for the French spectators for those who had bought tickets. The organisation doesn't yet know exactly how this will work, but the expectation is that they will be able to get the money back or exchange it for a 2021 ticket, as is the case with the British Grand Prix.